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Featured: Women’s Money Matters in the Tewksbury Carnation

Women’s Money Matters was featured in the Tewksbury Carnation! We are always so happy to get our message out there, especially in Merrimack Valley.
We have an upcoming in-person volunteering opportunity in the Lowell-area, we have a need for coaches for a program in partnership with Brigid’s Crossing, a local non-profit serving young women who are mothers. This is a wonderful volunteering opportunity for people in the area to help not just women living on low-incomes gain confidence and knowledge surrounding finances but also creating more secure financial futures for their children and the community. The Carnation wrote, “A core value is empowerment — elevating and inspiring women to work towards their goals by fostering bravery, accountability, continuous improvement and determination.”
Interested in empowering women? Apply to volunteer today:
Read the article here: