Women’s Money Matters was featured in the Tewksbury Carnation! We are always so happy to get our message out there, especially in Merrimack Valley.
We have an upcoming in-person volunteering opportunity in the Lowell-area, we have a need for coaches for a program in partnership with Brigid’s Crossing, a local non-profit serving young women who are mothers. This is a wonderful volunteering opportunity for people in the area to help not just women living on low-incomes gain confidence and knowledge surrounding finances but also creating more secure financial futures for their children and the community. The Carnation wrote, “A core value is empowerment — elevating and inspiring women to work towards their goals by fostering bravery, accountability, continuous improvement and determination.”
Interested in empowering women? Apply to volunteer today: https://womensmoneymatters.org/volunteer-application/
Read the article here: https://tewksburycarnation.org/2022/07/16/budget-buddies-rebrands-as-womens-money-matters-seeks-coaches-instructors-students/