Guided by their volunteer coaches, participants learn to use budgets, handle credit, manage bank accounts, save for larger expenses, and protect themselves against fraud. Workshops include trust-building exercises, success celebrations, and coach-participant 1:1 breakout meetings.
Our Model For Success
Personal mentoring of each participant sets us apart from other financial education programs. Each volunteer coach works solely with one participant every week to address her unique money-management goals and challenges. For some participants, this is the first time they receive personalized attention focused just on their financial and personal situation.
Small Peer Groups:
All Women’s Money Matters programs are hosted in intentionally small peer groups for social support, peer learning, and connection. Not feeling alone and being surrounded by supportive women facing similar challenges is an important part of our model, and has been particularly important during the isolation of Covid.
Our Approach
By building a relationship and process that is equitable and trust-based, each participant sets individual and specific financial goals with their coach to work on through the program, and beyond.
Programs promote access to financial tools and resources, proven to create positive long-term financial behaviors.
Programs and coaches are non-judgmental, supportive and safe. We recognize each client holistically, acknowledging the emotions, trauma and behaviors that impact financial decisions.
Are you interested in partnering with us?
We are always looking to grow our amazing partner network, if you are interested in becoming a partner, reach out today!