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We partner with local organizations to provide direct relief to women with immediate financial needs.

According to the Federal Reserve’s 2018 Survey of Household Economics and Decision Making, ~40% of Americans would struggle to come up with $400 to pay for an unexpected bill.

For women living on the economic margins, unexpected expenses can be devastating to their budget – and can lead to a debt spiral that inhibit them from reaching financial stability. Our direct relief partners play a critical role in providing immediate financial assistance in emergency situations, bridging a financial gap and preventing longer-term financial hardship, loss of employment or loss of housing.

Example expenses our partners have provided relief for: Car repairs, medical emergencies, rent payments, etc.

Become a Direct Relief Partner Today!

Our Direct Relief Partners

Partner: Neighbor Share
Partner: Boston Bull Pen Project
Partner:Live for Liv
Partner: Bridge Forward Fund

Are you interested in partnering with us?

We are always looking to grow our amazing partner network, if you are interested in becoming a partner, reach out today!

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