Online Donations
Your tax-deductible gift to Women’s Money Matters allows us to give women the tools they need to gain financial independence.
Monthly Giving
Your monthly tax-deductible gift to Women’s Money Matters allows us to empower women all year long!
Kathy Brough EmpowHERment Fund
Honor our founding mother’s mission with your donation, directly impacting women and girls through emergency assistance funds.
Employer Gift Match
Double your donation! When applying for a company match, search for Women’s Money Matters by tax ID (90-0688545)
Donor Advised Funds
A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle that provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to grant funds to charities of your choice.
Check Donations
To donate by check, please send your check to our mailbox:
Women’s Money Matters
6 Liberty Square #2697
Boston, MA 02109
Planned Giving
There are many ways you can make a financial commitment to empower women from your will, living trust, or other estate plans.
Paypal Donations
Use your PayPal account to give your tax-deductible donation to Women’s Money Matters.
Venmo Donations
Use your Venmo account to give your tax-deductible donation to Women’s Money Matters on the Venmo App.
Our Venmo username is: @WMM2697
IRA Donations
Donate Stocks
Support as you Buy Online
Start a Fundraiser
Foundation Partnership
Corporate Sponsorship
Make a Difference
More than dollars, It's about dreams
Your tax-deductible gift to Women’s Money Matters allows us to give women the tools they need to gain financial independence.
Every donation makes a difference. If you’re able, please consider supporting our continued growth with a recurring monthly donation.
Making An Impact
Our supporters make it possible for the Women’s Money Matters to pass through 100% of every dollar raised. Their support is critical to the success of the our mission.